July Bestowed and a Confession

First, I owe you a recap of the July Bestowed box.


Inside, there was:

A pass for two weeks of free classes from Barre3.


A year subscription to Organic Gardening Magazine:


Vanilla Coconut Macaroons:


Sweet Potato Chips:


Health Warrior Chia Bar:


Butternut Squash Puree:


And crisps from 34 Degrees:


I can’t wait to try everything!

And now….for a confession.


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What do all of these places have in common?

Yes, you guessed it. Coffee. I’ve been drinking it!

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Iced coffee to be precise. This is a bit of a crazy thing for me since I’ve always identified myself as ‘not a coffee drinker.’ I’m still not having the stuff hot, but I’ve really been enjoying a cup of iced coffee in the afternoon while working at a coffee shop. What is becoming of me?!

Parents, how are you taking this?

Any tips for not getting totally hooked? I like the coffee shop environment and a refreshing drink, but I don’t want to get to the point where I feel like I ‘need’ it. Also, it’s an expensive habit!