Twins Game

I had a great run this morning! 4 miles in 34 minutes, so an 8:30 pace. I felt really good and excited for the half-marathon on Saturday!

After the run, I had another 10-grain cereal + egg combo for breakfast. This time, instead of adding pesto, I added some avocado at the end. I like this even better – it was delicious! I served with an apple on the side:

photo 1 photo 2

I had a pretty busy day at work, but in the evening I had a fun excursion to a Minnesota Twins game!

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The Twins were playing the Texas Rangers. To be perfectly honest, I hardly watched the actual game. I did a lot of walking around with the people I was with and exploring Target Field. It is such a nice field! There are a lot of surprisingly good food options too. There is a LeeAnn Chin booth, a kosher hot dog stand, and – what I ended up getting – walleye! For some reason fish and chips sounded really good (trust me, that is not a meal I generally eat). It was very yummy – definitely a good decision to get it. 🙂

The seats we had were not amazing, but still decent. We were in section 133 facing home plate. This was our view:

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This section also had a covering overhead so we would have been protected if it had been really sunny or rainy. Luckily for us, neither of these weather conditions were occurring. When the sun went down it got a bit chilly, but fortunately I had several layers and didn’t get too cold.

Also at the game, I learned two things about my iPhone.

First, I learned about a free countdown app called Big Day Lite. You can program this app to count down the days until an event. Bonus perk: you can put a picture with the countdown.

Second, I learned how to take a screen shot on my iPhone (you hold down the home and power buttons at the same time). Am I the last person under the age of 45 to know that? Maybe…

Good thing I’m a fast learner, and I was able to combine both of these new bits of knowledge to set up a countdown on my phone for the number of days until I go to Italy to visit Noah!

photo 5

15 days until Rome! (and it’s actually only 14 by the time I am posting this) 🙂